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Framed Size: 280Hx280Wx40D  Size of Artwork: 280Hx280W   (Height, Width, Depth in mm)
A contemporary, unique, original work of art, with a Certificate of Authenticity.

This unique piece was created using an Acrylic Pour. It is mounted in a matt black floating box frame, strung and ready to hang on your wall.  A small square piece of artwork complementing Marble Pour 1.  Acrylic Pouring is a fluid painting technique used to create art by pouring acrylic paint onto a canvas. This technique allows me to apply colour in puddles, pools and marble-like patterns. Pouring results in a smooth, glossy paint film that is perfectly even and blemish free.

My varied and experimental art work takes place in my garden studio in Pembrokeshire, which you are welcome to visit, by appointment, if you are ever in west Wales.

Marble Pour 2

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